Wake Up, People
When will people wake up to the fodder they are being fed by Democrats? Their old saying of “Let’s raise taxes on the rich.” When will people wake up? The rich don’t pay the taxes. They just raise their prices and services so that those who voted for more taxes ends up paying those taxes.
When they say they want more money for schools, what they mean is, we want more money for teachers salaries so the union can have more money to buy politicians with. The teachers today are not the teachers I had in the 1950s. Those were patriotic.
What we are seeing in the big cities is what happens in every country making the alteration to Communism. Look how the Democrats are putting out orders for people to obey or suffer the consequences. They can do what they tell you not to do and, smile when they are found out. That smile in actually a smirk that means, we do what we want to do and, you do what we tell you to do.
Every country like Argentina and other countries in South America have gone through what we are going through today. It is Communism on the up rise. Our freedoms hang in the balance.