Santa Barbara Police Talk Down Man with Knife

After allegedly brandishing a large kitchen knife and threatening bystanders on the 500 block of State Street, 25-year-old Santa Maria resident Tudor Ortiz was arrested on Sunday, April 25, after Santa Barbara Police officers were able to safely deescalate the situation. He is booked in the Santa Barbara County Jail on $10,000 bail.
When the police were called about a man wielding a large knife, the responding officers located Ortiz at State Street and Haley Street in downtown Santa Barbara — Ortiz still had the knife in hand when confronted by officers. He reportedly initially ignored officers’ request to drop the knife and made an advance towards officers, but the officers were able to talk Ortiz down and get him to surrender the knife.
Ortiz was arrested without further incident and determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance. He was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine, and possession of a fixed blade over three inches.
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