Making a Difference
I’d like to thank the Independent for publishing Deborah Williams’ informative and inspiring Op-Ed, “Every Day Can Be Earth Day – 21 Ways to do your part and make a difference.”
Reading about the ways in which we can help ourselves by helping the planet (not only during this past week celebrating Earth Day, but more importantly, in the long term), I learned of many simple changes that can really make a difference.
For example, what to do with all those catalogs that I now receive after ordering my son some surf shorts this past holiday season? Simple, go to to register and enter the names of the catalogs that I no longer wish to receive. Now I’ve saved some trees, and with just a few minutes of my time.
The article provides a link to where 21 ways to help protect the planet and ourselves are outlined, such as ways of reducing food waste and single use plastics. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the news about climate change, but through initiatives such as this one, created in partnership with the Community Environmental Council, we can all feel more empowered and realize that we can make a difference with our actions.