Get Vaccinated
This will be frank. It is what the Centers for Disease Control would like to say but cannot for fear of appearing overbearing and politically incorrect.
Scientists produced vaccines to COVID-19 in record time by fast tracking its development. This does not mean they cut corners; they prioritized these vaccines and put many other projects on hold. The trials were studied as intensively as vaccines not produced under such urgency and the results are fortunately stunning.
The COVID pandemic is the worst and longest lasting medical disaster in over a hundred years; it is still raging. Vaccination is the key to getting things under control; it is the percentage of vaccinated people that will do this. While vaccination lags, hew variants will emerge and continue the global threat. You must get vaccinated.
Can you refuse? Yes. Can you refuse to have your children vaccinated? Yes. Is it your responsibility to get vaccinated? Yes. Is it your responsibility to have your children vaccinated? Yes.
A worry that has surfaced is that of the vaccine changing our DNA and affecting our offspring. This does not happen. It is true that about 8 percent of the human genome is composed of viral DNA incorporated into our genes over millions of years and it protects us from certain virus threats. Indeed, human viral DNA is necessary for pregnancy itself and the safety of the fetus.
Some of those who irresponsibly refuse, because of irrational fears, political motivation, or indolence, will become infected. Some of them will infect friends or family members, and some of those will die as a result. We see tearful evidence of this frequently in the news.
For those who refuse vaccination, you should be told through your tears that we are genuinely sorry for your loss; however, you are not forgiven. You must forever bear the guilt of your irresponsibility.
Get vaccinated for yourself, your family, your friends, and strangers. All deserve your responsibility.