Oh yeah, if I hadn’t ended up brain damaged, disabled, and crippled, I’d have ended up just like everyone else, rushing around on wheels, never stopping to find out all of the secret little attractions of the pre-internet / TV / radio / automobile / moving picture Santa Barbara where all anyone had to do on a Sunday was wander up to the Old Mission for Mass, it is a drop dead gorgeous church and Father Larry will put you to sleep, then ride your horse up over Jesusita Trail, Stephens Park to the Botanic Gardens then down Mission Canyon, along the creek, back to the Mission, or walk up around the Riviera, which always has a cool breeze, along the now forgotten, cool little paths or old, paved promenades, maybe ride the trolley back to town, or, if you’re young and strong, clamber down the Pedregosa stairs …
Ahhh, lookit that! Loquats ready! And! They all mine! No one else walks here. Hundreds of thousands drive right by every day and never stop.
Have fun at work today! It’s all worth it!