City Needs Harmon
As a Santa Barbara resident for 30 years, I strongly support Meagan Harmon as the city’s Sixth District councilmember. She’s exactly what this city needs to take on the challenges we face!
I spent 12 years as a renter before I was finally able to buy a home. I know how hard it is to afford to live here. Now I’m a landlord too, but I still care about renters’ needs.
Meagan has fought for renters, which is why they now have protections against no-fault evictions. Her advocacy led to strong support for renters during the pandemic as well through rental assistance payments and a city eviction moratorium. She also understands that homeowners are part of this city, and she worked to streamline housing sales by helping to get rid of a complex and burdensome zoning report that was just another useless rule.
We need people on the City Council who are good at getting rid of bureaucracy and making things work for residents and businesses. Meagan has pushed city staff to get rid of burdensome rules that have made it harder for businesses to succeed.
Meagan was appointed to the Coastal Commission over dozens of other applicants, and that is a huge plus for us, as she has been a strong voice for our city’s needs.
I hope you will join me in supporting Meagan Harmon for reelection to the City Council.