Bike ‘n’ Hike
Mountain Drive needs to remain calm, scenic, and tranquil for the people who live, walk, and bike there. The residents have put in hard work to create a lovely area along Mountain Drive and should be commended for this. I also recognize the desire of many people to get out into nature for a good hike. The problem is our dependence on cars to get us to the desired spot.
What we don’t need is more cars. What we do need is safer roads.
Plan your hike to begin on East Valley Road or Coast Village Road, and walk the extra mile or two to the trail head. Yes, I know all the roads connecting aren’t safe for walking, but maybe our supervisors and council people will take note and help us get the walking paths and bike lanes we need to make the walk enjoyable and safe.
I recommend everyone to watch “Not Just Bikes” to understand the problem with our current model of road design. Let’s not mess up something beautiful for the benefit of more cars. Let’s make it safer and inviting to get out of our cars and enjoy a good walk to the trailhead.
Maybe we can add bike parking space for those who might actually ride their bike to the trailhead. Now that’s an idea!