Terrific Treat
Creepy Creatures On the Lawn at Neal Taylor Nature Center Cachuma Lake
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A terrific event for kids and adults is being offered at Neal Taylor Nature Center.
On Saturday, October 22nd, from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Creepy Creatures will feature bats, and owls, skulls and bones, spiders and snakes with popcorn and punch to boot for kids of all ages.
On the lawn at the Nature Center Alice Abela and her collection of spiders, snakes and other reptiles will offer an exciting view into a fascinating world of small beings, and representatives from the Nature Center and Eyes in the Sky will teach you all you would like to know about bats, owls, hawks, and other birds closely associated with Halloween – live and up close! County Park Naturalists will also be taking part in the event and will have a table on skulls and bones! Other activities will entertain youngsters and parents alike. Arts and crafts activities will be a hit where making your own mask will be one of the focused activities. – “There will also be live music performed by “The Spooky Sisters”, Lindsay Whipple and her sister Julia. An instrument table will be set-up, so attendees can join in! No reservations are needed…donation appreciated! Come Join in the Fun!
About the Neal Taylor Nature Center
Neal Taylor Nature Center (NTNC) is a non-profit organization located within Cachuma Recreational Area in a picturesque old ranch house. Developed and operated by a corps of committed volunteers, it offers exhibits on the local valley and mountain environment for all ages, emphasizing hands-on exhibits for children of all ages
Nature Center & Gift Store Hours
Thursday thru Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
and Sundays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nature Center Admission: Donation