Why Vote Yes on B
My Yes vote on Goleta Measure B2022 was determined by the following facts.
Fact: The council vows to continue to negotiate a better revenue-sharing deal with the County of Santa Barbara. But after 10 or so years of negotiations, it does not seem likely any change to the agreement will occur.
Fact: The Measure B2022 tax, starting in 2024, exempts groceries, prescriptions and gasoline, and 100 percent of the percent Measure B tax revenues generated will go completely to Goleta.
Fact: An estimated 44 percent of the tax revenues generated will be from visitors. This is the same arrangement that other nearby communities have. By the way, most nearby communities charge the same tax or even more than the Goleta proposed tax rate.
Fact: Goleta needs to fund community needs, services, desires, and repairs rather than continue on and on with more deferred maintenance and delayed amenities.
I must end by saying that it is disappointing that current Councilmember Roger Aceves, who knows the history, facts and needs, decided not to be a leader on this issue. Mr. Aceves and the No campaign do not offer any solutions. Aceves’s default plan is apparently the status quo, which would continue to mount more costly deferrals in the long run and continued deterioration of the city’s functional and recreational infrastructure.
Vote! Vote Yes on Measure B2022.