Goodbye Eucalyptus Trees

It’s sad to see large trees that have been around so long cut down. I counted 13 eucalyptus trees that were taken down recently on Sycamore Canyon Road (State Route 192) near Barker Pass Road. I remember those trees in the ’70s when I first came to Montecito as a teenager —they were full grown back then.
Such beautiful trees cut down. They gave us much oxygen for so many years. No one had much of a chance to say goodbye to them, to pay respects, or even give them a hug. No notices were posted to give the public a chance to comment on this. Now they’re gone. Nothing sacred about the manner of removal.
I spoke with a tree worker. He told me Caltrans was cutting them down to protect the power lines, and to keep the trees from falling on houses. But the trees were on the other side of the road of the power lines and nearby homes. If there was such a problem, why weren’t they cut down years ago?
Many other eucalyptus trees live on the side of Highway 192. For example the road is lined with them near the Birnam Wood golf course. Are those trees slated to be taken out by Caltrans? Maybe there’s a lot of big trees Caltrans feels should be removed.
Park Lane in Montecito may not be in Caltrans jurisdiction, but is lined with beautiful eucalyptus trees very close to each other. Will those be taken out by the county, perhaps?
Eucalyptus trees can be quite beneficial. They can provide habitat for wildlife. Hawks can be seen perched in the eucalyptus tree behind my residence. In Ellwood, many monarch butterflies nest in eucalyptus trees. When the eucalyptus in my front yard blooms, thousands of honey bees are drawn to it.
How about before large trees are cut down by government agencies their value to Mother Nature and all of us be considered?
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