Sheriff’s Office Congratulates Three Recently Promoted Sergeants

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Santa Barbara, Calif. – On Monday, May 1, 2023, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office congratulated three new sergeants on their recent promotions. In a ceremony held at the Sheriff’s Office Training Bureau, Sheriff’s Sergeant Matthew West, Custody Sergeant Shaun Crouse, and Custody Sergeant Tariq Falfal were joined by a room full of their family, friends, and colleagues to celebrate their achievement.
Sheriff Brown said, “The caliber and quality of our people is such that the competition for promotion is always very tough. Those who emerge successfully from this rigorous process are to be congratulated, and that is what today is all about.”
Before he introduced each of the newly promotes sergeants, Sheriff Brown shared some principles of leadership from one of the key leaders of the Civil War, as written in an article by Robert B. Shaw entitled “Leadership Lessons from the Life of Ulysses S. Grant.” Sheriff Brown shared that, “The greatest leaders are those who can see through the conflicting ideas and loyalties of their time and work for a better future.”
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