SANTA BARBARA COUNTY – An emergency scour repair project will result in the closure of the No. 1 (left lane) on southbound US 101 to just south of the Gaviota Tunnel beginning Tuesday, May 30.  This lane reduction will extend for approximately two miles beginning just north of the US 101/ State Route 1 Interchange.

This closure will allow crews to set temporary K-rail and install other traffic control devices to allow for work in the median to construct a temporary lane. This work is expected to take three to five weeks.

By this summer, traffic will shift into this temporary lane for approximately six months to allow for work on the pile wall on the slope adjacent to the highway. This emergency project will repair scour damage caused by the storms in January.

Electronic message boards will advise travelers of the lane closure and eventual traffic shift.

The contractor for this $15 million emergency project is CalPortland of Santa Maria, CA.  This project is expected to be complete this Fall.

Location near US 101 to be repaired. | Credit: Courtesy

Road information and updates can also be found on Caltrans District 5 Social Media platforms: Twitter at: @CaltransD5, Facebook at: Caltrans Central Coast (District 5) and Instagram at: @Caltrans_D5.

Our crews deserve to get home safely too.

Drive slowly and carefully in work zones.

CHP Traffic Incident Information Page:

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