GUSD Announces Classified Employee of the Year

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Goleta, CA – June 12th, 2023 For over a decade, Salvador Martinez has shown his dedication as a school bus driver for Goleta Union School District. Maintenance Operations and Transportation (MOT) Supervisors admire his hard work, attention to detail, and the GUSD spirit he displays daily. Martinez is a model employee for our district, and most deserving of receiving the award for GUSD Classified Employee of the year for the 2022- 2023 school year.
“By the time school is out, I feel like I’ve accomplished something for society and for my community; getting the kids to school safely,” said Martinez. He is likely the first and last member of GUSD his bus riders see daily, and it’s reassuring to staff and families that our students are in safe hands on their journey to and from school.
Martinez grew up locally in Goleta, and said the Goleta Valley Community Center used to be his old elementary school. He has fond memories of spending time at the Goleta Boys club as a kid, and remembers the impact George Chelini, former Executive Director of the Goleta Boys Club, and CEO of the United Boys & Girls Club, had on his life.
“I would ask him ‘So George, when you leave, who’s going to be in charge of the kids? Who’s going to lead them? I remember he looked at me and said, ‘you are.’”
Martinez was first nominated by his department internally, before being selected by the GUSD School Board to receive this honor. All other staff members nominated for this award across our district were deserving as well, but Martinez’s passion for the job and humble attitude are a credit to GUSD.