Munger Gulag
As it is a well-established fact that it is most prudent to kick a guy when he’s down, your article on the emerging demise of Munger Hall prompts me to make a comment … redux.
“Design teams or firms with experience in the design and redevelopment of student housing projects similar in scale and scope are encouraged to respond,” it states. Clearly, this phrase was missing from the original request from the university, as Charlie Munger ain’t none o’ that. It has been claimed that money can buy everything, but Munger is a counter argument.
Aside from the faculty’s strong words about student well-being — that is, the potential harm to the inhabitants of that gulag — one might also consider its effect upon UC Santa Barbara’s favorability rating with applicants. Over the years (oh so many now), when I have encountered fellow UCSB grads, it is not surprising to hear that they were drawn to the beach — or girls on the beach. (Now, in my own case, I was drawn simply because my girlfriend went there, indifferent to the tar-marred beach).
So, how many beach lovers do you think would live in a room with no windows, just a stone’s throw from the beach? I rest my case, and I rest UCSB’s beach reputation.