Brake For Beer
Who says drinking and driving don’t go together? Before you
start composing a letter to the editor, let us clarify: We’re not
encouraging getting behind the wheel after tying one on, but if
ogling classic automobiles while sampling dozens of microbrews
sounds like a decent way to spend a sunny summer afternoon,
consider hitting up the Third Annual Santa Barbara Beer Festival
and Motor Classic. The event takes place this Saturday, July 15 at
Elings Park, and will feature all kinds of cars and motorcycles, as
well as suds from 15 microbreweries. The car show starts at 10
a.m., and admission is $5; $20 covers the car show and the beer
tasting, which begins at 11 a.m. Three bands will hit the stage
while the drinking and not-driving goes down; the fun lasts ’til 4
p.m. For info, call 569-5611 or visit