Katy Perry
One of the Boys

Capitol Records; June 2008
Onetime Santa Barbara girl Katy Perry is currently getting a lot of attention for her new single, “I Kissed a Girl.” But the rest of One of the Boys plays out as pretty typical pop fare. Here, Perry waxes poetical on issues common to the modern post-adolescent: kissing girls, hot and cold relationships (“Hot ‘n’ Cold” is actually one of the more creative of the bunch), and the troubles with dating emo boys who, according to Perry, are more high-maintenance than girls. Her lyrics are cutesy funny-she accuses boys of PMS-ing and proudly cops to being able to belch the alphabet. But the highlight of One of the Boys, like so many other albums, is a B-side titled, “I Think I’m Ready.” The cut (available on Perry’s MySpace page) is an endearing little ditty that features xylophones-a refreshing step away from the rest of the album’s tracks.