Activists, Authors, Scholars Celebrate UN Day
Dialogue at City College Focuses on What Next President Should Do
A convocation of activists, scholars, and authors are celebrating United Nations Day at Santa Barbara City College with a discussion titled, “America’s Tattered Global Image: What Can the Next President Do?” Stan Roden, the former Santa Barbara County District Attorney, who is now a mediator and lecturer in Political Science and International Law, is one of the featured speakers at the event sponsored by the Santa Barbara Coalition for Global Dialogue. Others are author Helena Cobban, Benjamin Cohen, UCSB professor of International Political Economy; Adam Green, SBCC coordinator for Environmental Studies; and Peter Haslund, SBCC Chair of Global and International Studies. All are invited and admission is free at the Fe Bland Auditorium on West Campus, 721 Ciff Dr., Santa Barbara. Global Networking Hour starts at 8 a.m., with the program beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing until 12:30p.m. on Saturday, October 25.