Why God Is Grieved
I am writing to correct the explanation to my quote, “God is grieved by this amendment,” on page 11 of the February 4 edition of your paper.
In reading the explanation under my quote, someone might assume that I had spoken at the Pro Choice Coalition anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision in support of the Stupak Amendment attached to the U.S. House of Representatives health-care legislation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Stupak Amendment places an unfair and unjust burden on women by effectively eliminating health insurance coverage for abortion for millions of women—even for those who paid their premiums with their own money.
For me, as well as many other religious leaders, there is a longstanding reading of the Jewish and Christian scriptures which says that God has a special preference for the poor. I am saddened that certain powerful religious leaders used their own political muscle to ensure the success of the Stupak Amendment once again on the backs of poor women and families in America. This is both sad and unjust.
Thank you for allowing me to correct and clarify the record. — Reverend Mark E. Asman