Which Is It?
On July 6 you championed another half-cent tax sales increase.
You cited Andy Caldwell’s support as key to the success of Measure A, which is true.
However, you also say that Measure A taxes were used to pay for multiple roadway and mass transit projects.
I quote from your July 6 story:
Big Love for Sheriff Bill
Supes Put Half-Cent Tax on Ballot for New Jail
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
By Nick Welsh
“Caldwell and Armendariz-political bosom buddies-could prove key to the success or failure of Brown’s bond measure. Their support was definitely critical two years ago to the passage of Measure A-the half-cent sales tax increase used to pay for a wide range of freeway widening, road improvement, and mass transit projects.”
Do you read your own newspaper?
I quote from your newspaper of March 22, this year:
Measure A Projects Must Wait
Highway 101 Widening Remains Priority; Goleta Wonders About Promised Overpass
Monday, March 22, 2010
By Matt Kettmann
“Numerous projects promised as part of Measure A – the initiative approved by voters in November 2008 to raise money for transportation developments countywide – may not be built for more than 15 years, as the recession has reduced sales tax-based funding and slowed the additional financial support coming from the state and federal governments.”
Where in this week’s story is the mention that money from the sales tax increase will be spent however the Board of Supervisors sees fit, no matter what was promised?
Do you realize that this tax increase will simply free the board from making necessary cuts in other less worthy parts of the budget? They will be free to put off for another year or two the painful cuts that will be forced upon all of us in a matter of months.
Did you ever meet a tax you didn’t like?—James Pepper, Santa Maria