23rd District Candidate Calls for Hearings on IRS
Congressional Aspirant Tom Watson Wants Back Taxes Paid
Tom Watson, Republican candidate for Congress in the 23rd District, today said he would call for Congressional hearings of the IRS to examine why over $1 billion in back taxes is owed by federal employees.
Watson cited a Los Angeles Times investigative study which showed that $9 million of back taxes is owed by Congressional staffers, 41 White House employees owe over $830,000 in back taxes, and all federal employees combined owe over $1 billion.
“This is the height of hypocrisy in Washington. The people who want to tax individuals, tax families, tax businesses, and even tax death, don’t pay taxes themselves,” stated Watson.
“When elected to Congress, I will call for a Congressional investigation of the IRS. Everyone who has dealt with the IRS knows you are guilty until proven innocent, yet billions of dollars go unpaid and hundreds if not thousands of government employees go unpunished. There’s unquestionably a double-standard being applied here, since it is Congress which sets the budget of the IRS.
“It’s time to put the IRS under the Congressional hot lights and ask the tough questions of who is getting away without paying taxes, how are they able to get away with it, and why is the IRS turning a blind eye while at the same time they furiously go after businesses and individuals who don’t have government connections.”
Tom Watson is a retired Naval Officer and third generation graduate of the Naval Academy.