What a Gal!
The queen of television, the wealthiest and most famous human being in the entertainment field, has announced she is finally quitting television. She says she has done it all and wants to finally walk away while America still loves her. What a gal!
My wife tells me she gives away, to her studio audiencees, gifts that would make your head pop with disbelief: Cars, educations, homes, trips. This woman is generous. Her schools and operations for children in poor countries are pure love, and pure Oprah.
But just for balance, now I begin to chuckle at this saint. She has announced, and been on shows to talk about it, it’s in every publication—OPRAH QUITS. Yes, good for her, nice to stop on top and smell the roses. Except that Oprah is “relaxing” by beginning a TV network, which to my stupid eyes is not retiring but taking on a much bigger project. No longer does she do a show but now she is creating the company that buys shows and shows them to the public.
I wonder where Oprah sees her life going. From actress to super mega show host, to mega hit magazine publisher, to now beginning a new television network like CBS, NBC, ABC—she is playing very big. I think that when the dust settles it’s even possible that the next chapter in her life will be—are you ready?—yes, the State of Oprah.
She buys land from one of the about-to-be bankrupt states. She will buy several million acres of a run-down city or two outside of Chicago or Detroit and create Oprahville. A perfect little country with Oprah leading the people in doing charity work for the poor and needy around the world as their main business. Generating revenue from the kindness of the world and their love for Oprah and her network and magazines.
And here’s interesting news: Word has it that Oprah is meeting with Sir Branson, the airline magnate who is attempting to send people into outer space. She may have her eye on a small planet. Oh no! Not Planet Oprah! But if anyone can do it, this lady can.