County Parks to Get Cabins
Rental Trailers Coming Only to Cachuma Lake and Jalama Beach; South Coast Plans Scrapped
Although plans for bringing rental cabin-style trailers to Summerland’s Lookout Park and Goleta Beach have been scrapped, both Jalama Beach and Cachuma Lake will soon welcome four such units, as the Board of Supervisors officially accepted $520,000 worth of state recreation grants — which will also pay for upgrades to Jalama’s water tanks and the electrical system at Cachuma’s Live Oak Camp — for the visitor-serving, revenue-boosting program on Tuesday.
The County of Santa Barbara’s initial plans to put two each in Goleta and Summerland caused quite a stir, which made County Parks officials rethink the idea. “We went to a couple public meetings and, especially in Summerland, we recognized that there’s a lot of issues we have to address before we move forward too quickly,” said Tom Fayram, the interim director of County Parks. “We realized the best way to start was with the camping parks that already had the infrastructure.”
The idea for cabins in Summerland and Goleta, which was welcomed by some and hated by others, appears to be dead in the water, at least for now. “There’s nothing on the horizon right now,” said Fayram, who mentioned that there is no longer a grant waiting to fund any more cabins either. “I don’t think you can ever rule out it coming back. We’ll get a better feel for these as we get them into Cachuma and Jalama.”
On Tuesday, in unrelated agenda items, the board also approved replacing septic tanks at Jalama and, at Cachuma, remodeling the Mohawk restroom and replacing the floating restroom facility.