Perils of Street Living Realized by Boyd
61-Year-Old Homeless Man Assaulted With Skateboard

A 61-year-old homeless man named Stanley Boyd was assaulted Wednesday night, June 22nd, after being awakened by another homeless man wanting to roll out next to him. The incident, which left Boyd with a dislocated shoulder and bruises on his leg and face, is the latest example of the dangers inherent in street living. Even those who keep to themselves and avoid drugs and alcohol run the risk of being randomly assaulted or worse.
In this case, Boyd was camping on private property (a parking lot) with a friend. It was almost midnight when another man, who Santa Barbara Police said was Daniel Katz, approached the camp where the men were already bedded down and asleep. According to Boyd and Larry Hulse, the other camper, Katz was about to establish himself near Boyd when Boyd awakened and objected. To read more, see