Carolyn Brown Elected President of Montecito Rotary
Ms. Brown has been a member of Montecito Rotary for six years, formally a member of Bellingham, WA Rotary Club and has served as a board member and co-chair of Montecito Rotary’s annual golf tournament/auction for five years. She is also a recipient of two Paul Harris Fellow Awards given by Rotary International.
Ms. Brown has a Forestry Degree from Lassen College in Susanville, CA and a BS Degree in Psychology from the University of Idaho. She has been the Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara for five years and was ED of Boys & Girls Clubs in Ferndale & Lummi Island, Bellingham, WA for 13 years. Ms. Brown has worked with children for over 35 years.
Serving with Ms. Brown on the Rotary of Montecito’s board of directors are Sheryl Barnard (president-elect & secretary), Phil Palmquist (treasurer), Harlan Green (past-president), Aaron Clark, John Brinker, John Glanville, Paul Kremser, Mark Magid, Robert Mislang and Rosslyn Ray.
“Reach Within to Embrace Humanity” is the theme for the 2011-2012 Rotary International. The Rotary Club of Montecito will continue to focus on cultivating peace and improving lives throughout the world, through fundraising activities and projects. Internationally, the major effort will be the ongoing Rotary International project of eradicating polio. Locally, the club does many hands-on projects around the community, award several small grants to non-profits, and will sponsor its 9th annual golf classic next spring with proceeds benefiting local organizations.
Rotary Club of Montecito meets every Tuesday for lunch at the Montecito Country Club. For further information, please call Les Esposito 805/963-7339.