Adoptable Pet of the Week
Abracadabra is a real cuddle bun who also loves to play with toys, especially if you throw them for him. He has a very sweet temperament and was heartbroken when his last forever home brought him back to the shelter because their bunny didn’t like him. It took some effort by the volunteers to cheer Abracadabra up back to his old self. He loved having someone to love…could it be you?

Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter (B.U.N.S.) is a volunteer organization that cares for abandoned rabbits. B.U.N.S is located at the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter, 5473 Overpass Rd. B.U.N.S. works to find bunnies permanent homes, and educates the public on caring for a companion rabbit. You can call the County Shelter at 681-5285 or call BUNS at 683-0521 and leave a message for someone to call you back. For more information, visit