Feedback on Goleta Target
City of Goleta Design Review Board Begins Scrutiny of Superstore
Plans to build a Target in Goleta near the corner of Los Carneros Way and Hollister Avenue underwent the first wave of architectural scrutiny on Tuesday, as the city’s Design Review Board listened to a presentation from the superstore’s reps, took in some public comments, and gave feedback on the project, which would knock down a number of buildings (including the Goleta Valley Athletic Club), realign some of the roads, and erect a nearly 170,000-square-foot two-story structure that would be vaulted over a parking lot underneath.
Among other concerns, board members suggested that Calle Koral would have to be widened as an access route, worried about too much branding built into the design, and encouraged the developers to consider better incorporation the existing mountain views. The only truly harsh critique came from board member Bob Wignot, who opined, “I don’t feel that we need you here in Goleta at this time.”