Why Gradin Abstained
I cannot speak for other Architectural Board of Review members who may have been attempting to make a political or social statement through their ABR vote regarding the Chick-fil-A remodel at the August 6th hearing. I do know with complete certainty, however, that my abstention was due to the fact that I was in Yosemite on the day the project was reviewed (July 23). It is standard procedure for all City of Santa Barbara board, commission and council members to abstain from voting when they were not present on the day a given project was [previously] considered.
Anyone who wishes to see and hear what actually transpired can view the video posted on the City of S.B. website. Anyone who does so will know that I abstained from voting on all projects reviewed by the ABR on that day.
I am not a novice boardmember. I am a licensed architect and sole proprietor of my own architectural firm. This is my second term of service on the ABR. I completely understand and have always abided by the fact that the ABR and entire city processing of building permit applications is impartially open to all regardless of their views or beliefs.