Tickets Now on Sale for Central Coast Bioneers Conference
Vision to Action is the theme for the 4th annual Central Coast Bioneers Conference, hosted by Ecologistics, Inc., to be held October 25-27 at the Monday Club in San Luis Obispo. Central Coast Bioneers is a member of the Bioneers Network, and the regional conference site for Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties. Each morning, keynote lectures from the National Bioneers Conference in San Rafael will be shown. The 16 afternoon workshops will feature six major topic areas: Eco-Science, Social & Environmental Activism, Food & Farming, Women’s Leadership, Eco-Nomics, and Restoring Ecosystems.
Keynote speaker on Friday night will be Drew Dellinger, founder of Global Poets for Justice and author of Love Letter to the Milky Way. In his lecture, “The Mountaintop Vision: The Cosmology of Dr. Martin Luther King,” Dellinger will examine ecological dimensions of King’s vision that have been largely overlooked.
Field trips this year will include a tour of the Life Lab Garden at Laureate School and The Ranch on Friday and Ocean Friendly Gardens on Saturday. The popular pre-conference field trip will be Thursday, October 24 to the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve.
New this year will be a Repair Café on Friday, October 25, sponsored by iFixit. Adults and children are encouraged to bring electronics and other items for possible repair, with the assistance of the team of experts from iFixit. California FarmLink will sponsor one-on-one farm finance consulting sessions following its presentation on Access to Capital for Small Farmers on Saturday, October 26.
Cal Poly’s Real Food Collaborative and The Mother Corn Shuckers return by popular demand for another Green Chef Cookoff dinner/dance Saturday night. The Green Marketplace, Seed Exchange, Linnaea’s Café and Volumes of Pleasure Conference Bookstore will also return.
Early bird reduced rates for conference passes through August 15. Go to to register or for more information.