Climate Strange
Given this year’s procession of large typhoons impacting Asian nations from the Philippines to India, and the economically debilitating air pollution in many Chinese cities, I wonder if the climate-change-denying minority, the politicians they elect, and their oil industry supporters have thought to pause and reconsider their beliefs, especially since climate-change experts have been predicting larger storms and not a few other detrimental events that are happening and impacting the world’s economy and environment.
Have CEOs, from Exxon Mobil to Shell, thought that greatly reducing use of their products will help assure a better environment for their children and grandchildren? Granted, more jobs are needed here now, but what good is a job if it helps produce toxins that poison the environment and threatens the future well-being of everyone?
A simple Google search results in stories like this one: The Attorney General of Illinois is preparing to sue owners of oil refineries there due to their mountains of toxic waste left on-site, seriously affecting nearby neighborhoods. Have you read the scientific reports concluding that fracking, an oil drilling technique using chemicals and wastewater injected at very high pressure deep underground, caused 106 mild earthquakes in Ohio? Fracking is banned in several American towns and cities, mild quakes affect infrastructure.
General Electric employs many people in China to build energy-producing windmills. Is short-range sonic technology available to warn birds away from windmills? Can you visualize made-in-America windmills operating in Santa Barbara’s hills?