Sidewalk Project on Patterson Avenue Started
On Monday, February 3, the City of Goleta started construction on a project to install new curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveways on Patterson Avenue between Debbie Road and Hollister Avenue. This is a necessary improvement because pedestrians walking on this section of Patterson Avenue tended to walk in the bike lane because of the gap in the sidewalk. This project will eliminate this gap and make it safer for pedestrians walking this stretch of road south of Highway 101 and north of Hollister.
The City was awarded $50,000 through the Measure A Alternative Transportation Grant Program for this project. Other funding sources include Measure A Local Funds, Gas Tax and the City’s General Fund.
The project is expected to take 25 working days. Temporary lane closures for construction may create minor delays. The City urges drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to use caution when traveling through this construction area.
For more information on the project, click here.