Community Nominations Are Open for the 10th Annual Spirit of Service Awards
Looking Good Santa Barbara seeks honorees who keep our community clean
Public nominations opened today for the 10th annual Spirit of Service Awards. This prestigious local award recognizes individuals, youth, families, agencies or local businesses that have made a notable impact by reducing waste or contributing to a clean community through graffiti and litter abatement.
Nominations are open from February 6th to March 7th and may be submitted online by visiting Everyone is encouraged to nominate friends, neighbors, co-workers, or organizations that they would like to see recognized. Winners will be honored at a luncheon ceremony on May 7th presided over by Mayor Helene Schneider and emceed by KEYT’s Tracy Lehr.
Awards are presented in two categories: waste reduction (i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost) and clean community (graffiti and litter abatement). All nominations must be for programs, projects or volunteer work done within the Santa Barbara city limits. Further details on Spirit of Service criteria and procedures are available online or by calling 448-0886.
Last year’s winners included: Sansum Medical Clinic for their innovative composting program; SBici for providing students with an opportunity to learn how to build bicycles out of donated and recycled bike parts; and the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Barbara for their ongoing community clean-ups.
Looking Good Santa Barbara is a twenty-five-year-old City of Santa Barbara program joining residents, city staff and representatives from throughout the community to promote a clean and green Santa Barbara. The annual Spirit of Service awards is one of the flagship programs of this partnership, highlighting the efforts of those within the community who truly make Santa Barbara shine.
Contact: Lorraine Cruz-Carpenter, Looking Good Santa Barbara Executive Coordinator
Phone: 805-448-0886