New Sheriff Would Prevent Deltopia
The recent street party in Isla Vista once again turned into a riot. How could this not be predicted by the team led by Sheriff Brown? This is an event that happens every year, and it just seems to get worse every year. Why didn’t Sheriff Brown have adequate personnel in place to take care of crowd control and to anticipate the possible turn of events that erupted into “civil unrest,” as one newspaper called it? The injuries sustained by our law enforcement officers (and students) may have been completely avoided.
Sandra Brown is running for Sheriff, against the current Sheriff Brown, and has stated that she will place a higher priority on Isla Vista than the current Sheriff Brown has seen fit to do. Even the Santa Maria Times didn’t mention anything about his interest in this past street party gone bad.
We need a Sheriff who will give attention to all our neighborhoods and not be so focused on building a jail that results in him ignoring more vital issues in Santa Barbara County. I didn’t mean for this to be a political comment, but it seems like voting in a new Sheriff would be the best way to end the results of these spring parties.