“Redefining Sexual Conduct at UCSB” by Kelsey Brugger was a better read than I expected. But the article brings up so many issues it is hard to know where to start.
I was a college student. I am a father, stepfather, and now grandfather. I have thought for years that men are allowed to avoid responsibility for their actions far too easily. But it seems we are trying to come down hard on a few actions while wanting to enjoy more freedom from responsibility for the rest of us. Life doesn’t work like that. For better or worse, our actions have results.
I have a progressive disease, currently use a power wheelchair, and use sidewalks to get around my neighborhood, to doctors appointments, and downtown Santa Barbara. If I am crossing a street in a designated crosswalk, crossing with the light, and I’m hit by a car, the driver of the car is legally responsible and at fault. But I would be the one broken. Therefore, it is prudent of me to be cautious when crossing a street, any street.
To knowingly become intoxicated and purposely wander into an alcohol-fueled, hormone-charged environment strikes me as beyond foolish. Someone else may be legally responsible, but you may be the one broken.