Experiment of the Week
Cabernet Espresso Coffee

That’s right folks — wine mixed with coffee, and it comes in a can. There’s a cabernet sauvignon-meets-espresso version, and a chardonnay-meets-cappuccino as well, and they taste, well, not as bad as you’d think.
In fact, given that cab often shows a coffee character, it actually kind of works, especially if you heat it up and throw it in a bigger cup of joe while sitting ‘round the campfire. The chard-capp trends toward the treacly side of the sweet scale, but it too is not thoroughly disgusting. Both versions also feature a touch of chocolate flavoring, so would make a very interesting dessert drink for those include to pop the top.
For those seeking more, uh, traditional flavored wine, Friends also makes strawberry moscato and peach moscato from their “originals” series. Want something even more familiar? Try their white and rose moscatos, also in a handy 250ml can. It’ll look like you’re drinking an energy drink — and in the case of the coffee wine, you kinda are.
See FriendsFunWine.com.