Join the Resistance
President Trump has recently been demeaning the judiciary and the press. He referred to Judge Robard of Washington, who has put a stay on Trump’s Muslim travel ban, as a “so-called” judge and that if anything “happened,” it would be his fault. Trump claims that the press is dishonest and is deliberately under-reporting terrorist attacks.
I hope readers understand that President Trump is attempting to sow suspicion and distrust in the minds of the public about these two institutions, both of which are necessary to a free society and are essential to a democracy. It is apparent that his goal is to weaken and delegitimize the judiciary (an independent third branch of government) and the press in order to achieve for himself an unchallenged authority. This is the road to authoritarianism.
The good thing is that resistance to this is strong, and it is growing. I hope your readers will take heart and join the resistance.