Wake-Up Call
Per the 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” What were arms or weapons in 1791 when the 2nd Amendment was ratified? A single-shot musket, rifle, or pistol; a sword, a knife, an ax, a spear, a club, a crossbow, a bow and arrow, and farm implements. Did our Founding Fathers’ “Right to Bear Arms” intend to give the right to mass kill and injure with automatic and semi-automatic rifles and pistol with multiple-shot capabilities?
As stated in the 2nd Amendment, is not being a member of a “well regulated militia” a precondition to the right of a citizen to possess and bear arms? In present times, are not a citizen-authorized city, county, or state police force, National Guard, and our federal armed forces considered to be well-regulated free-state protection? Citizens who are not in a well-regulated militia should not possess and bear arms.
As to self defense and hunting, how much killing power is needed?
The time has come to consider the consequences of the right of citizens to keep and bear firearms capable of mass killing, and the enactment of intelligent limitations and regulations in respect thereto. The unconscionable gun deaths and injuries cannot continue. The Las Vegas tragedy is the ultimate wake-up call.