Will Deltopia Flourish in the Rain?

If the predicted rain sprinkles don’t dampen enthusiasm for this weekend’s Floatopia, the County of Santa Barbara is doing its best to stop the public float-a-thon before it starts. Isla Vista’s county beaches are closed Saturday-Sunday, April 7-8, to block any crowds and their trash and feces, which were left behind in quantities during the last Floatopia nearly a decade ago. Instead, Isla Vistans are quietly getting ready for Deltopia.
With the motto “Keep it local, and keep it safe,” the student community has asked residents to keep parties small and limited to people they know. UCSB has instituted a “no guest” policy from noon to noon, Friday-Sunday, at its campus and I.V. dorms and apartments. In Isla Vista, the county festival ordinance will be enforced, meaning no music can be audible beyond homes Thursday-Monday, April 5-9, from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. As well, the Sheriff’s Office is staffing up to enforce alcohol and public urination laws, the towing of cars violating the various bans on parking, and erecting roadblocks.
The City of Goleta has issued street-parking permits to residents of neighborhoods near the college town for Friday-Sunday. Cars parked on those streets (see map below) without permits will be towed. During the day, Girsh Park and Camino Real Marketplace parking lots are available to park visitors and shoppers.