It’s Already Medicare for All
These Democrat liberal nitwits that propose “Medicare for All” do not know what Medicare is. All Americans are forced to contribute to Medicare when they start to earn an income. Since it was cast on the American public by liberal President Johnson in 1965, Medicare takes your contribution out of your salary along with your Social Security and payroll taxes. You have no choice. It is the law!
Further, it is no insurance until you have paid into it for 40 years. Then, when you turn 65, if you live that long, Medicare pays part of your medical expenses, if any, and you keep on paying for it until you die. There is nothing free about Medicare and no one gets anything until they are 65.
In the meantime, while you work, you have to buy personal insurance. Medicare is the worst insurance ever invented by liberals even worse than Obamacare. Are these liberals idiots or what?