Community Vaccination Clinic Opening in Santa Maria
(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.) – As part of Santa Barbara County’s continued participation in the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program, COVID-19 vaccines will be available in a 7-day clinic in Santa Maria. The roving clinic will take place at Allan Hancock College beginning on Monday, April 5 and continuing through Sunday, April 11. Appointment registration for these clinics will open on Thursday, April 1.
Current groups eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine include people 50 years of age and older, phase 1A health care workers, education and childcare workers, emergency service workers, food and agriculture workers, and people between the ages of 16-64 with high risk medical conditions. Vaccine appointments remain available, for those eligible, at local pharmacies, hospitals and through health care providers.
All eligible community members can sign up for a vaccine appointment at this location beginning Thursday, April 1 at 9 a.m. by registering online at the Public Health Website. If you do not have access to a computer or need assistance registering, please call 2-1-1 and select option 4 for assistance. The call center is open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. These clinics will be administering first-dose Pfizer vaccines. One clinic day will be reserved for second-dose Moderna vaccines.
“The mass vaccination clinic is a great success in the current Lompoc location and we look forward to offering this same opportunity in the Santa Maria community,” said Van Do-Reynoso, County Public Health Director. “With each day of vaccinations, we are closer to seeing the end of the pandemic in our community. Vaccination is the best way to protect you, your family, and your community. While the mass vaccination clinics are available to all Santa Barbara County residents we are happy to provide easy and convenient access to the local community in Santa Maria.”
The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department expects to administer 10,550 at the Santa Maria community vaccination site. Limited first-dose appointments will also be available in Santa Barbara and Lompoc next week with appointment registration opening Monday at 9 a.m.