You Can Fool Some of the People All of the Time
The Socialist Dictatorship of Medicare Is Destroying American Medicine

Public comments extolling the benefits of Medicare once again exposed the naivety of the American public on government “benefit” programs. Lincoln’s comment “You can fool some of the people all of the time” applies here. As a socialist democratic president, Lyndon Johnson said when he signed the Medicare bill back in 1965, “If they knew how much this was going to cost them they would revolt now.” All Americans are on Medicare!
Medicare has become the biggest, most invasive socialist government program in our history. Each and every American is affected by this civil service dictatorship. We have gotten another dose of the same from the socialist democratic Obama administration with the addition of Obamacare to our tax burdens.
Medicare already controls all of the medical health aspects of all 46 million Americans over the age of 65. We are all forced to contribute 2.9 percent of our income to Medicare for our working life as are our employers for 2.9 percent. Many people pay far more dollars into the system than others based on their higher salaries. But everyone gets the same service through this form of wealth redistribution. The Washington, DC, civil servants tell us how much we will get in coverage and how much they will pay the doctors, if they will pay them at all. So for about 40 years each of we working people pay into the Medicare system before we get benefits at 65. We keep paying into the system through our Social Security benefits until we die.
The government has a record of every aspect of your employment life and your medical life after 65. They know who you have worked for and how much you were paid. It is all in a big computer in Washington. Civil servants dictate what hospitals and doctors can get paid for their services. As a result doctor bills are always underpaid and we “Medicare patients” have to be taken as “welfare patients” to get the medical coverage we were forced to pay for all of our lives! Since Medicare only pays 80 percent of the bill, if it is allowed, after a growing yearly deductible, we are forced to buy Advantage or supplemental insurance if it is allowed in our county and for what Medicare tells the insurance companies to charge. And we must buy our own prescription insurance to boot but only that allowed by Medicare. If you wanted to buy your own independent medical insurance, Medicare would not allow you to do it and no insurance company would sell it to you as a Medicare hostage. Yes, it is a total dictatorship. And finally, about half of the people die before receiving any benefits nor do their heirs.
Many others have company or union insurance and never use their forced Medicare benefits. All of their funds go into that Washington socialist sinkhole of wealth redistribution. Even with 50 percent nonusers, Medicare is going broke. Billions of dollars are spent on paperwork records alone. No, Medicare like all government programs, is not a benefit, nor is Obamacare. Both must be phased out to stop an American financial meltdown and to free Americans from this civil service dictatorship. We must restore our choice in medical coverage with free market private insurance programs just like we have for many other medical insurances in our lives today. As we have seen in the VA debacle and in Obamacare, when the government gets involved, it is always a mess and always cost us more.
Medicare, Social Security, and yearly IRS tax reporting are socialist systems that control our private live. We need to replace them with private medical, private savings, and no tax reporting through a flat tax system that will not intrude in our private lives.
As President Ronald Reagan said, “Man is not free unless government is limited.”