Beware the Plastic
I applaud Mr. James for sharing his experience in “Water and Coconut Oil” capturing shower water in a bucket while heating it, rather than allowing this precious resource to run down the drain.
His advice regarding coconut oil is also useful. However, it is important to note that “small individual serving packets of coconut oil“ are likely made of plastic and are not recyclable (despite what the plastic lobby tells us).
Plastic packets (aka sachets) are ubiquitous, used by many restaurants for condiments like ketchup and soy sauce, and in samples of cosmetics. They break down into small particles known as microplastics, which are harmful to sea life and to humans, as we breathe them and consume them in our food. It is well documented that we all consume about a credit-card-sized amount of plastic each week, which has harmful effects on our endocrine and reproductive systems and is linked with cancer.
For the sake of our ocean and ourselves, let’s enjoy our beautiful beach walks and use coconut oil to clean the tar off our feet — from a glass jar please, not a plastic packet.