The Dog Days Are Here in Santa Barbara
Come Find Your New Best Friend During Adoption Event June 8 on State Street

This Saturday, meet your next companion, your soulmate, and the newest addition to your family at the Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event on the 800 block of the State Street Promenade. June 8 from 1 to 3 p.m., three organizations — Cold Noses Warm Hearts, Le Woof Rescue, and Santa Barbara County Animal Services — will be appearing to share dog love from some future adoptees.
“The goal is to give people a place to meet dogs that is more fun than a shelter,” said Lee Heller, a volunteer with Santa Barbara County Animal Services.
The event has been put on twice before, in February, and in April. It is nothing fancy, Heller says, but it is a great way for people to learn about dogs they would not normally come across.
“People should come with an open heart and an open mind, and see if they fall in love,” said Heller. Often people leave the event having found a match with a breed or personality that they had never envisioned for themselves.
There will be all types of terriers, poodles, huskies, shepherds, and mixes walking around the promenade with volunteer handlers. All dogs are known to be happy and friendly within the busy environment of downtown.
“To make good placements, our goal is to match people with the dog that is right for them,” said Heller, “and vice versa.” If you don’t meet your forever friend on Saturday, there are plenty of volunteers who can tell you about animals who did not make it to town that day. And regardless, it is a nice outing for the shelter dogs to get some fresh air and socialization.
Now more than ever, dogs in Santa Barbara need forever homes. After the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs began flooding the shelters from impulsive adoptions and overbreeding due to high demand. The housing crisis also caused people to lose their pet-friendly locations.
“We’re in a crisis,” said Heller. “The firehose of need is being turned on us. We need the community to step up and adopt or even foster if they can.”
People can meet and begin the adoption process this Saturday, or meet a dog to take out for a “day foster.” And if you do meet a dog you love, the summer is the perfect opportunity to fall into step with your new best friend.
The event will also serve as a convenient alternative for those planning on visiting the Animal Services Shelter on Overpass Road, which will be closed all day Saturday due to a planned power outage. Visitors can instead attend the event on the 800 block of State Street to meet some shelter dogs.