Shannon Serves Parenting Suggestions

A new column popped up in our pages last month and is now making its second debut: Mom Brain. This week, get to know the writer, Shannon Kelley, who is a Pushcart Prize nominee, and whose work has appeared in Elle, The Washington Post, Vogue, Aeon, and others.
What inspired you to start the new column?
Well, Marianne and Leslie asked me to do it! And eventually, I said “Yes.”
What do you do for work on a regular basis and what brought you to Santa Barbara?
I’m originally from San Jose; I came to Santa Barbara for college, UCSB. Double majored in Religious Studies and Anthropology, which has proven deeply practical. I work for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, which in my unbiased opinion, is a total jewel in the crown of Santa Barbara! And not just because it afforded me the occasion to speak to Brad Pitt once. (I said, “Excuse me, I’d like to introduce you to someone.” I’m pretty sure he remembers.)
Why Indy Parenting? Have you written parenting related content before?
I agreed because I’m a parent, and a writer, and I happen to think it is extremely rich terrain. But yes, I’ve written about parenting before, for several different places. I think that part of what being a writer is using writing to process things. And being a parent involves plenty of stuff that could benefit from some processing.
What do you like to do outside of work? What are some ways you find fun in your day-to-day life?
This question made me laugh a little — as any working parent will likely understand! Fortunately, I’m an extremely early riser/medium-grade insomniac, so I use those predawn hours for writing, which I put in the “fun” column. I like to run and do yoga, which I squeeze in when I can. I love to cook for my family, to read, to play with my son, to see live music with my husband, and to spend time with my friends. The best is when you can do a “me” thing but with a friend. Like that ceramics class I wrote about; I did that with a friend, so I got to hang out with her AND get my hands into some clay at the same time. I have a friend who I will sometimes go to a workout class with (shoutout to Jenny Schatzle)! The ultimate busy-mom move would be to go grocery shopping with a friend.
What has your writing experience and journey been like? What’s some content you’re looking forward to focusing on?
Well, for many years I was a writer and editor at the Indy! I’ve done a lot of freelancing and wrote a book some years ago. That book was non-fiction, and I co-wrote it with my mom, who is also a journalist. Recently, I got the urge to try my hand at fiction, so that’s been exciting. I find the sensory deprivation — the dark and quiet — of early morning very conducive for writing, so I try to do it every day.
What’s the number one thing you do for “me time?”
You can also keep up with Kelley at