Bridges at Refugio Creek to Be Demolished Through Gaviota
Deteriorating Concrete Necessitates Bridge Replacements

Motorists traveling over Highway 101 between Lompoc and Santa Barbara have noticed for a month or two that the southbound highway crosses over into the northbound lanes as preparatory work takes place to replace the bridges over Refugio Creek in Gaviota. The southbound bridge is set to be demolished starting on Tuesday, January 28. The new configuration will continue through October, when it will switch to the opposite side, Caltrans said.
The demo also closes Refugio Road under the bridge through Friday, January 31. Other work occurring under the bridge is the removal of a concrete-grouted rock lining of the creek to allow steelhead trout to swim upstream. The anadromous species has been blocked from migrating upstream during shallow water conditions to lay their eggs and multiply since the bridges were built in 1974. While the concrete will be replaced with gravel and stone, the creek banks will be replanted with trees and plants native to the creek environment.
The bridges contain the same concrete that has prompted the replacement of the San Jose Creek bridge along the 101 through Goleta, which causes a congested buildup on the highway daily. The concrete aggregate contains alkali-silica, which has caused the concrete to swell and crack, leading to corrosion in the steel embedded to reinforce the cement. The weathering could cause the bridge to fail. The cracks and breaks in the bridge decks and supports have been repaired, Caltrans said, but those repairs are only temporary.
Once completed, the new bridges will be seven feet wider, adding shoulders to the narrow crossings, and will otherwise remain two lanes with the same alignment and bridge profile. The lighting system and pedestrian walkway beneath the bridges are also being upgraded.
MCM Construction of North Highlands, California, is the contractor for the project, which carries a price tag of $56 million. Information and the environmental report for the project can be found here.

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