Gypsy Healing
To benefit the Chumash Women’s Oral History Project, Lynda
Yracébûrû, the founder of the indigenous knowledge organization
FollowingAncestors EarthWisdom, is presenting an evening seminar on
the Ancient Gypsy Healing Art of HandWalking tonight,
Thursday July 27, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Predating the Buddha, this
ancient form of “medical palmistry” as an expansive form of healing
will be discussed, along with hands-on training in simple
techniques of hand line stimulation. Yracébûrû is a Romani
Chovani — gypsy healer — with experience as a cardiovascular X-ray
technologist and massage therapist. After a debilitating injury
forced her to resign from Stanford & Seton Medical Centers,
Yracébûrû found her way to health via her ancestral healing art
form. This program will serve as an introduction to the upcoming
Keepers of the Faith 1st Annual Womyn’s Conference to be held in
Santa Barbara, December 3-6, 2006. For information, contact Connie
Baetjir at 636-2615.