Goleta City Council Cash Race
For Last Minute Voters!
It’s probably too late for most of you voters, but for those
curious about who the Goleta city council candidates are relying on
for their funds, this IndyNewsFlash should prove enlightening. But
before getting to each individual candidate, let’s check out the
late filings. On October 27, Michael Bennett accepted $3,000 from
the California Real Estate Political Action Committee as did Roger
Aceves. Bennett also received $1,000 from gas station owner John
Price. The Friends of Goleta group doled out $1,091 to Cynthia
Brock, Margaret Connell, an Jack Hawxhurst, also accepted another
$2,500 from the Pacifica Suites Hotel.
But most interesting of all the campaign statements in The
Indy‘s possession are those filed under the name “Goletans for
Fiscal Responsibility.” This group, which is funding the campaigns
of Michael Bennett and Eric Onnen with more than $7,000 a pop, does
not seem to be a thoroughly locally minded group. Indeed, the
group’s treasurer James Lacy lists his address as being in Laguna
Niguel and the assistant treasurer Barrett Garcia is Lacy’s
neighbor in San Juan Capistrano. And the money being raised here is
jaw-dropping. The late filing alone includes $7,000 from the Shelby
Family Partnership and another $10,000 from Venoco. And then, in
the filings that go through the end of September, the Goletans for
Fiscal Responsibility took $9,000 from New York investor Stephen
Mann and $5,000 from PCF Capital in Delaware. Then in October, the
GFR took in another $9,000, this time from Ira Wolff of Great Neck,
Long Island. Oddly enough, the campaign statement mistates Wolff’s
state as California.
But enough about the GFR. The following tallies are based on
campaign financial statements obtained by Independent.com that
almost go to the end of October. Voters are selecting three of the
following six.
Roger Aceves Amount received: $16,629 Amount
spent: $12,179 Notable donors (more than $500 cash): Asset Holdings
West (from S.F.); PCF Capital (Dover, Delaware); Horizon Realty
Corp (Carson City, NV); Stevenson Street Associates (S.F.); S.B.
Women’s Political Committee; Arnulfo Juarez
Michael Bennett Amount received: $19,969 Amount
spent:$16,586 Notable donors (more than $500 this period): Jean
Blois ($1,250); S.B. County Firefighters ($7,500)
Cynthia Brock Amount received: $18,946 Amount
spent: $14,825 Notable donors (more than $500 cash this period):
S.B. Women’s Poltiical Committee; Richard Whited ($7,000); Awin
Management (related to BFI trash);
Margaret Connell Amount received: $20,645
Amount spent: $16,364 Notable donors (more than $500 cash this
period): S.B. Women’s Political Committee; Lessie Sinclair Nixon;
Friends of Salud Carbajal for Supervisor; Awin Management; Friends
of Goleta
Jack Hawxhurst Amount received: $16,588 Amount
spent: $11,451 Notable donors (more than $500 cash this period):
Pacifica Suites Hotel ($2,500); Richard Whited ($4,000)
Eric Onnen Amount received:$22,529 Amount
spent: $20,599 Notable donors (more than $500 cash this period):
ABC Clio; Beneflew Insurance Services; Marlys Boehm; GA Enterprises
DBA McDonalds