Tenting It
What Your Arch Patterns Say About You

One of the markings on the fingertips I have not yet discussed is what is known as the arch finger pattern. Or, put more simply, the tent.
Look at your fingertips one at a time.
Do the majority of the lines start down near the crease that defines the beginning of the second phalange on the inside of that first knuckle, then swerve upwards towards the center of your hand? Do these lines hit their peak as a unit near the center and then swerve back down?
A typically good, clear arch, or tent, fingerprint has four or five lines that run straight across above that first crease line. Then each one after curves up at the center, bending a bit more than the one beneath it until there is a kind of hump, like the arched bank of a busy inchworm. Then, after the crescendo of the peak, the lines begin to open up in the center, moving from a mountain-like peak to a more flattened, relaxed curve.
Got the picture?
A fingerprint like that generally means that its owner has the ability to take orders and follow them. In real world terms, they’d have no trouble working for a boss. Anarchists don’t have the tent. The marking indicates someone who is able to put their head quite literally into a structure that generates rules from above.
If you have this marking, you would be a good worker in a hierarchical corporate structure. You can take orders without bothering to understand the bigger picture. (It’s also a good skill to have if you are involved in a people’s militia, a gang, or a communist cell.) In times of crisis, you can rise to the occasion in a pointed way, just like the lines on your fingertips. You can quickly become part of a spontaneously-formed team, while others would descend into panic, confusion, and chaos.
Batya Weinbaum arranges private or group readings. She can be contacted via email at batyawein@aol.com, or by calling (216) 233-0567.