Summer Camp Guide 2008
Science, Nature & Computers

Art From Scrap: Green Kids Summer Day Camp
Kids experience the environment in fun, creative, and interactive ways. Activities include art projects, nature crafts, making solar ovens, building watersheds, water-testing, beach exploration, tide-pooling, cooking projects, a zero waste shopping challenge, environmental concept games, composting, planting seeds, songs, stories, and more.
June 23-27, July 14-18, and July 28-August 1. Sessions are Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. $220 per session. The Watershed Resource Center, Arroyo Burro Beach and Art From Scrap. Early registration is encouraged. To register, email and request a Parent Information Packet or download one at
Computer Quest at Westmont
Online design and more. Sponsored by the Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts at Westmont. Three one-week sessions, July 14-Aug. 1, 9am-4pm, daily. $350/week. Ages 6-14. Visit or call 565-7247.
Discovery Camp
Cosponsored by Endowment for Youth Committee. This one-week camp is designed to expand your young scientist’s understanding of science. Campers make water rockets, cardboard boats that float, slime, and speakers and perform chemistry experiments with liquid nitrogen. Excursion to the UCSB Marine Mammal Institute included.
Two one-week sessions, Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-2:30pm at Westmont College, 955 La Paz Rd. Session 1: June 30-July 3 (no camp July 4), $148. Session 2: July 7-11, $184. Ages 10-13. Info: 565-7247 or Endowment for Youth office 730-3347. Visit
Dunn Wild Animal Fun Park Physics Camp
Design and build a Scream Machine-an all new rollercoaster powered by gravity and magnetism. Join the fun by putting together a mini carnival of games that include flashback target ball, cosmic bowling, shockwave mini hoops, and electro lizard operation. June 16-20, 8:30am-3:30pm with aftercare until 5pm. Snacks included. Discounts depend on enrollment date. $239-$279 per week. Located in Los Olivos. Call 688-6471 or email
Kids’ Night Out at the Maritime Museum
While parents have the night off, kids have the opportunity to explore diverse topics through hands-on activities, crafts, and a film in our high-def theater. $20 members/$15 additional sibling. $25 non-members/$20 additional sibling. Pizza and juice provided. To register, call 962-8404 x111 or email Last Friday of every month: 6-9pm. Ages 6-12.
Nature Adventures
S.B. Museum of Natural History offers classes, camps, and workshops year-round for children ages 2-12. Children experiment, experience, and observe the natural world around them, while engaging in the scientific process. Program assists young children with the development of their sensory and observational skills, while expanding their curiosity and aesthetic appreciation for nature. Programs offered at both the museum’s main campus and the Ty Warner Sea Center. Call 682-4711 x171, 962-2526 x110, or visit
Nature Camp
S.B. Parks & Recreation’s Nature Camp at Skofield Park teaches an appreciation of nature and preservation of our environment. Campers enjoy family night and sleepover, crafts, skits, camp songs and many field trips exploring Mission Canyon foothills and hiking trails such as Rattlesnake Canyon, San Ysidro, and Cold Springs. Extended day program available.
Four two-week sessions plus 1-week “highlight” session including overnight campout at Skofield Park. Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm at Skofield Park (pick up/drop off at MacKenzie Park).
Session 1: June 23-July 3 (no camp on 7/4); Session 2: July 7-18; Session 3: July 21-Aug. 1; Session 4: Aug. 4-15; Session 5: Aug. 18-22.
Fees: Session 1: $293/$266 (with RDC*), Sessions 2-4: $325/$295, Session 5: $163/$148 (one week session due to only 9 weeks of summer). Ages 6-10. Info: 564-5495. Call 564-5418 or register online at
Saturdays for Kids
Maritime activities on first and third Saturdays of the month throughout the summer for kids and families. Explore the waterfront, participate in sea chantey sing-a-longs, Chumash crafts, learn about underwater exploration. Free with price of admission to Maritime Museum; free for members. Call 962-8484 x115. Advance registration recommended.
Sequoia Lake Youth Camp
Located in Miramonte, California, on Sequoia Lake. Activities include archery, crafts, lake swimming, hiking, rock climbing wall, and campfires. Takes place in a safe and fun setting with trained, caring volunteers and professional staff. Aug. 3-10. Grades 4-6. Contact Brenna Monahan at 687-7720 x259 or
Summer Farm Days at Fairview Gardens
Experience nature firsthand on the farm this June-August. Visit
Whiz Kidz
Computer education workshops. Choose from filmmaking, animation, programming, computer basics, game strategy, history, and stock market simulations. Open noon-6pm daily for game play. Ages 8-16. Visit for a calendar, detailed workshop descriptions, and discounts.
Wilderness Youth Project
Connect with nature by wandering the creeks, jumping in the waves, and exploring local habitats. Learn to make fire by friction and string from plants. We have a variety of camps, including expeditions for older kids. Ages 3-17. For more info, visit or call 964-8096.
YMCA Mini Family Camp
Come to Sage Hill Campground located in Santa Barbara’s backyard on the Santa Ynez River. May 2-4. $145 for a family of 3-4 or $55 per person. Contact: or 969-3288 YMCA White-Water Rafting
Raft for two days down rapids on the Kings River, camp under the stars, eat great food, and make new friends. July 15-18. $495. Grades 7-12. Contact: or 969-3288.