Guys and Garages

Part picture book, part anthropological study, Santa Barbara writer/photog Helena Day Breese’s ode to male packratting is nothing short of perfect-at least as far as Father’s Day gift fodder goes. The softcover, 100-page photo essay profiles 50 different dudes, all of whom have managed to create their own little haven out of their garage. Some are well-kept work spaces, others house classic cars and pool tables, and many are homes to awe-inspiring junk heaps that only their owners could ever appreciate. But the joy of Guys and Garages lies as much in its personal stories-many coming from S.B. residents and residences-as it does in its fantastic pictures. From Robert’s tiki-themed lounge space to Jim O.’s collection of WWII paraphernalia, the book offers first-person tales of everyday guys doing extraordinary things. We can’t imagine a better addition to a dad’s book collection. Breese will be signing copies of Guys and Garages this Sunday, April 20, at Chaucer’s Books (3321 State St.) at 3 p.m.