Horse Show
Looking for something special to do on Mother’s Day? How about a day in Santa Ynez Valley participating in (or watching) the Santa Ynez Valley Pony Club’s Spring Horse show, Come Jump with Us. A gift basket will be given to the mom/child team who come in first in the Mother-Child class. Riders (or pair of riders) can also sign up for a Hunt Pace cross-country ride. Whoever finishes their course closest to optimum time in their class wins. (You can’t wear a watch!) The event is Sunday, May 11, at Shepherd Ranch (1399 W. Highway 154, Santa Ynez), with rider check-in at 8 a.m. and the first class at 9 a.m. For more info, and to find out where you can get an entry form, call 448-9066 or email Lynn at